Lately, my friend Amy and I have somewhat merged our fitness journeys, which includes doing workouts together while video chatting, and sharing our healthy choices in meal planning, as well as keeping each other motivated and (more or less!) on track. It’s all been so inspiring, because fitness isn’t something to achieve, necessarily. It’s something to maintain and better every day –a daily habit, and one which we’ve been working on for a few months now and still going strong! So today, I wanted to share a few ways on how to get fit and stay fit, inside and out.
- Find and incorporate a fitness program that you like and that suits your lifestyle. For me, a combination of Ballet Beautiful and Sleek Technique works best, although I do not do their live classes very often as I find their programs a bit expensive with the exchange rate. Also, BB has –perhaps temporarily– taken out the option of streaming classes online. Why do I do ballet inspired workouts? For me, boot-camp style workouts are not motivating, and are often overwhelming. The sense of calm and peace during a workout is very important to me, and the goal of most ballet fitness programs are to achieve long, lean lines while working out muscles that people who do not dance would not necessarily use. I like that, and that is why these programs work for me!
- Look at your beauty products. I sincerely believe that the less you use, the better for you. “Easy for you!” some people say. “You don’t deal with pimples or skin problems on a regular basis,” This is true to an extent: I do get pimples occasionally, dry skin quite often, and even more frequently, there are days when I just feel dull and blah. I find that simply making sure that my skin is clean and fresh, and pampering my hair or styling it is enough to blow away my discontent with my appearance. If you can, figure out whether you are using cosmetics to enhance your features, or as a crutch. Don’t let it be the latter!! And if you do use makeup, look into natural, organic beauty lines. These companies have come a long way and limited palettes are no longer a mark against going organic. A few of my favourites are Josie Maran (I love her sunscreens!), Tata Harper, Belmondo, Weleda (try their deodorants!), Burts Bees, Rocky Mountain Soap Company, Wild Prairie Soap Company. You can also check how ‘green’ your favourite products are with EWG’s Skin Deep Cosmetics Database! Another tip that I’ve learned is that even though you’ve done research on a company and trust them, you should always do a follow-up research after a few years. New products are added, and sometimes this means new ingredients that may not be up to the level of quality you’ve come to expect from the brand.
- Beauty isn’t the only area where you can go clean and live green! Items from household cleaning liquids to hand soaps have greener cousins –look for those products, and enjoy a well-rounded eco-conscious life!
- Get into the habit of drinking water regularly throughout the day. It seems mundane and obvious, but drinking water increases energy and speeds up weight loss. Squeeze fresh lemon juice into your glass to add some flavour –plus lemon water does wonders for your skin! Just be sure you don’t brush your teeth immediately afterwards!
- Eat antioxidant-rich foods such as tomatoes, cantaloupes, berries, oranges (Vitamin C helps prevent wrinkles) and plums. This is especially fantastic for the warmer weather months, as they are so refreshing.
- Change your snacking habits! Snack on almonds, walnuts (which contain alpha-linoleic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid that helps condition your hair –think supermodel shiny!), raisins, and ‘dipping vegetables’.
- Eat broccoli. It’s a great source of vitamin A which helps improve cell turn-over, which means that skin renewal is much quicker, too!
- Eat whole wheat. Selenium found in whole wheat products helps improve skin cells.
- Eat lean red meat and eggs for their iron-rich qualities –iron will help if you’re feeling pale or have dark circles under your eyes.
- Eat lots of fish. So yummy, and so good for you! I recently became a part-time pescatarian, and it’s made me feel a great deal better. I do still enjoy the occasional steak, though. 😉
- Take time to sleep, relax, catch up with and be good to yourself. Reading, taking walks, reflection, and making time for even a movie and a cup of tea will help re-center and energise you.
- Keep tabs on how you’re maintaining your fitness by trying on a piece of clothing that fits and looks well on you when you’re fit. For me, that’s a Burberry Brit trench coat that I bought years ago! As soon as I start slacking off on my fitness routine and eating healthfully, I quickly find it doesn’t fit as it should.
Double breasted cotton twill trench coat
Epaulettes, gun flap and buttoned tabs on cuffs
Belted waist embellished with metallic eyelets
Back rain shield, central back vent
Buttoned chin strap, two buttoned pockets at front
Check undercollar, metallic buttons engraved with the Burberry Brit logo
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