…and being brave enough to be true to yourself.
Who is a girl at heart who’s never grown out of Disney, and yet has never been to Disneyland/World/etc.?
Me, that’s who.
So how do I, who have never been to the Happiest Places on Earth, take part in a style craze that was practically made for me? By this, I’m referring to Disney Bounding, a subtle, stylish way of dressing to show off one’s love for Disney, and stepping out in style a la Dapper Day, an organisation that celebrates refined style from yesterday and today, and is famous for their Disney events.

Well, one does it at home, or around one’s provincial town. And let me start a “trend” and call it Disney UnBounding. It’s still about happiness, whimsy, wonderment and adventure. Just… traipsing around your living room or the library (quietly of course) instead of a theme park.
Yesterday, I received my latest Disney Movie Reward in the mail, Beauty & the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas. I’ve been wanting to watch this for two decades now… *cough* so it’s high time I finally got around to it. I also got my Chip mug, which is so big and cute and has the actual chip incorporated into the design, as well as a gorgeous book of literary quotes and inspirational musings, inspired by Belle’s Library. More on that book in another post!
I swear I didn’t plan all this, but I also received a package yesterday from my v.b.f.f. (that’s very best friend forever) Amy. 😉 In it was a dress I’d bought months back –the Pineapple Swirl dress, which is a stylish way to wear one of Disney Parks’ most popular frozen treat. Colourful, stylish, desserts, pockets, and Disney; can a dress get any better than this?
And so here I am enjoying All the Disney. Perhaps one day, it’ll be in a theme park.

I also wanted to share something which has been on my mind lately –being confident enough to share interests and passions that might seem ridiculous and childish to others.
In the wake of Zack Pinsent’s (of Pinsent Tailoring) brilliant interview with the BBC, I remembered how as a teenager I had vowed that when I moved out of the strict and limiting confines of my parents’ home, I was going to jolly well dress as I pleased! And at that point in my life, dressing as I pleased in my head meant Georgian court dresses, Regency ballgowns, Victorian riding habits and Edwardian tea gowns. I was of course, going to flounce through these eras as my mood that day dictated. And thrown into the mix was dressing like a Disney Princess, and… I’m almost afraid to say it… Princess Leia and Queen Amidala. *sigh*
Well, I moved out. And that sort of dressing never happened. Instead, I went through a very short (I’m thankful to say) phase of trying to fit in with West Coast “cool clothes” of the moment –which meant wearing jogging pants and workout wear before athleisure showed us how it ought to actually be done if one is to go down that sartorial path…
Then I found my sense of style somewhat asserting itself and began to wear dresses and skirts exclusively –much closer to what my teenage self envisioned, but still… where was the chutzpah to dress as I really wanted?
I certainly don’t think it’s too late for me to wear whatever I want a la Zack Pinsent, but as a mum, I definitely feel court dresses and ballgowns are out of the question. This is most likely why royals and nobles of that day and age had governesses and nursemaids to care for the wee bairns. Imagine getting ready for the day, or running after them in this getup:

Well, maybe I could with some practise, but let’s just end at I have little time for throwing something on these days and am a major klutz! So instead, I try to inject a bit of any interests I adore into my wardrobe (cue the bright, dessert-themed, has-pockets Disney dress in above pictures) and don’t give a thought to the possibility of giggles and derision from my peers. Life’s too short.
To illustrate, I recently had a conversation with my mum, and she was talking about wearing a fantastic flower clip in her hair to a professional function. Aghast, I reminded her that years ago, she had told me wearing a Little Mermaid starfish hair clip was ridiculous and looked unsuitable for my years, and now she was doing the very same!
“Well, I’ve grown old and don’t care what people say anymore,” she said.
This made me think. Why must one grow old before one stops caring what others have to say about ourselves? It’s hard to not be self-conscious, I grant you that, but perhaps the biggest barrier is our own inner voices. Once we get past our own worst critics, fielding everyone else’s opinions becomes so much easier.
All this to say, it’s not too late to add a bit more whimsy and happiness into one’s everyday life. Wear that piece that you absolutely adore, despite the eyebrows you raise.
Audrey Hepburn once said that happy girls are the prettiest… I’d like to add self-assurance to that!
Have a magical day!
You are beautiful and amazing and a true Disney Princess love that you are yourself – don’t ever change that my beautiful friend! ❤️ Wear all the Disney!!!