Does Fashion Stop at What You’re Wearing? Building an …
Putting together a winning outfit combination looks different to everyone. Your style is your own take on the fashion of the day, and this translates…
Putting together a winning outfit combination looks different to everyone. Your style is your own take on the fashion of the day, and this translates…
It is a truth universally acknowledged that oft times a person has the need to reach a hand into one’s reticule for a few coins.…
A long time ago, I believed that I was a ribbon. Two other ribbons held onto me tightly, knotted with love that was both selfish…
Continuing on from last week’s look back… I’m here with another post that was published sometime in 2014 on the original Adornabelle blog, with the…
This morning, I received in my email a post from Adornabelle, a fashion/style/beauty site started by my friend Chantel many moons ago. I was rather…
A Light exists in SpringNot present on the YearAt any other period –When March is scarcely here A Color stands abroadOn Solitary FieldsThat Science cannot…
Humans are ever the same in temperament, virtues and vices –they merely wear different clothes.I wonder (wryly) what the next generation will find fault with…
You’re a purist when you’re young. We all were. Unless you were born with the wisdom-ous (Thank you, Joey Tribbiani…) soul of the philosophical ancients…
Hygge. Kos. Mys. Gemütlichkeit. Gezzelig. Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, German, Dutch. I’m sure there are many other expressions in many other languages that one can use…