If you see this…

  …it means the night was spent with the best of people, and lots of good talks and giggles were had, or fine movies and…

I'm feeling introspective…

… and this just hits all the right strings in my heart tonight.

Christmas Afternoon Tea at The Secret Garden Inn…

Today we headed to Kingston’s always-bustling downtown area for some window-shopping, and ended the morning with afternoon tea at The Secret Garden Inn. Our first…

A Miscellany of Thoughts Over the Years…

I am feeling wistful and determined. I’m determined to keep improving myself in character, education, and finances. I am wistful for all the wonderful days that…

A Memorable Thanksgiving

Dear readers, Unlike social media, life has no filter, and neither do little children.This Thanksgiving was truly like no other…This morning, the boys woke up…

The First Thought

 Dear Journal, I must be mellowing. I no longer inwardly struggle with this quote. Even if his presence did come on a rushing wind, things…

The Very First… First Day of School…

Everyone attests to the truth about how quickly time goes by, and yet we are always still surprised when we are confronted by that very…

Staycation in Kingston – Daisy Hill Bed & Breakfast…

Dear Abandoned Readers, After delaying travel with the pandemic, we were itching to get a little bit back into the swing of exploring new places…

Spring Yearnings

I usually love winter so very much, but I won’t pretend that it isn’t hard toting two young ones around with you in deep snow…

Teddy Tales: Clutch Your Pearls!

Dear readers, Get ready to clutch your collective pearls and gasp… I’ve been keeping an eye on my costs for getting into the business of…