Nursing Outfit: Sage & Gold

If there is one piece of advice I would give to someone expecting who is looking to expand their closet, I would say forget the…

Eight Essential Baby Items for Minimalists…

Hello lovelies, Now that our baby is a month-and-a-bit old, I am back with a list of items that we just can’t do without. We’ve…

How Charm-ing! My Pandora Charm Bracelet…

For the longest time, I was not interested in charm bracelets at all.  I’d seen colleagues and friends talking about their latest acquisitions –special/limited editions,…

I’m a Mum!

It still seems dreamlike, that I, who still enjoy paper dolls, children’s films and books, and (shh, don’t tell anyone) bottled baby food, as well…

Dressing the Bump…

Hello lovelies, Here’s an outfit that I wore a few weeks back to a conference event that I was helping organise and coordinate travel for.…

Expecting Valentine’s Day

Hello lovelies, The title of this post may be a bit deceiving.  I am not expecting huge and grand things for Valentine’s Day, but rather… I…

Northern Irish Honeymoon – Game of Thrones

Well lovelies, this post is about our last day in Ireland, or Northern Ireland, depending on whom you ask.  It has been so much fun…

Irish Honeymoon – Dublin, Ballynahinch Castle, and Blarney Woolen Mills…

Day 5:  Today, we decided to revisit Dublin, as we wanted to see what the city had to offer in terms of shopping, and of…

Honeymoon – Ireland – Cliffs of Moher – October 2016

Let us begin with the first picture of day four in Ireland: Us in the car, ready to drive to the Cliffs of Moher in…

Irish Honeymoon – October 2016 – Day 3

On our third day, I was bursting with even more excitement than usual.  Dublin was finally in our sights, and it was so much fun…