I’m about to call this structured cloche hat ‘The Crimson Madcap’ because I bought it impulsively yet after much consideration, if that makes any sense. It was such a nice, rich cranberry colour, and the bow detail was too cute. It would also be perfect for those rainy days when I’m taking photos outside but don’t want to have one hand tied up holding an umbrella. However, I’m very new to the world of hats, and I have absolutely no idea whether it suits my face or not… even after searching for pointers on Google.
Scarf: Forgotten. As in, I’ve forgotten, not some cool hip brand with an emo name. It’s either Hayden or Portolano. Oops. 🙂
Sweater: Simons TWIK
Skirt: Aritzia WILFRED via eBay
Tights: Nicole Miller
So what are your thoughts on this hat? Keep or return?
P.S. Special thanks to Kathleen of That’s a Pretty Hat! for helping me!! ♥
I love it! 🙂 I think the shape is perfect for you, and red is always fun. I was looking at red hats today, actually. . . .for my sister for Christmas. I didn’t get one, though. :/
Thank you, Rissy!! Ooh, I think red hats are the cutest. Are you still looking for one?
I love the red hat! People would be expecting a dark color (I know I personally only own black, brown and tan hats) and I think the pop of color really makes the outfit pop.
The only thing might be that it hangs low over your eyes- can you see out of it alright? 🙂
Thank you Duchess! 🙂 I think black, brown and tan hats are so very versatile, but red sure does give a nice injection of colour!
I can see alright from under it! It *is* a pretty low brim though, so if I wanted to look at a street sign or the sky, I’d have to hold my hat with one hand, and look up. Not very ‘convenient’ I suppose, but I think the hat’s still ok. I definitely wouldn’t drive with it on, though –I don’t know how the women of yesteryear managed it! lol
I really like the red hat, maybe pair it with something navy or black or even chocolate, but make it pop! It suits you, but in this picture, there were too many colours in the background. Should take your picture in a one colour background – dark preferably. But I will take the hat, and a longish jacket, with high heeled boots. What do you think? Really skinny jeans, or long skirt, or double-breasted – oh, the sky is the limit! Keep the red hat!
Hey mum, thanks for visiting my blog. 😛 Well, I didn’t really pay attention to the background in these photos because it wasn’t an actual outfit post, and I wanted advice and people’s thoughts on the hat more. I think a perfect background might’ve made the hat look nicer on me than it would have in an ordinary setting. I figured something that wasn’t too pretty would help people concentrate on the hat more, instead of the ‘artistry’. I do want to pair it with navy or black, but what do you know… it’s actually hard to find a coat that goes with this hat… not colour-wise, but style-wise! Ahhhhh… Will keep you updated.
Adorable! The shape, the colour and the undulating brim really suit you. I envision it paired with a 3/4 length overcoat or a luxurious shrug (neglecting the demands of the Canadian winter!) and hands hidden in obligatory muff. I await to see your solutions.
My head is jealous! 😉
Aww, Mi!!! 🙂 So nice of you to come see me and share your thoughts. A 3/4 length overcoat (with 3/4 sleeves in my imagination!) would be so cute. I could have gorgeous red gloves peeking out, and who cares about the Canadian winter and cold arms, right? 😛 A muff is delightful too. I’ve always wanted one.
(Psst! You can get a hat at Simons.ca!! It’s the treasure from the ‘East’ –of Canada, that is!)
You are welcome! Great hat!
Thanks, Kathleen! ♥
Yay! It’s so cute on you! xx